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Équipements de gym

What is kinesiology?

It's the science of human movement that uses the most recent scientific data to improve and optimize functional capacity as well as promote healthy lifestyle habits.

Why consult a kinesiotherapist?


To improve: health, posture, mobility and sports performance

For healthy lifestyle habits

Achieve a physical goal

Get in shape

​Reduce chronic pain

We start with a 30-minute meeting (by phone or videoconference) to analyze your needs.

A questionnaire is sent to you to complete before the first meeting.

During this first 90 minute meeting, we assess your physical condition.

We prepare a personalized exercise program in line with your goals and make an appointment for a private 1 hour session to demonstrate the program exercises.

Comment se passe un rendez-vous en kinésiologie? Peter Manguian, entrainement , privée, soulagment douleur , centre holistique, Blainville

How does a kinesiology appointment work?


Prepare an exercise program

Myofascial stretching with suction cup



​Follow-up session or demonstration of the designed exercise program


Nutritional plan with food diary analysis


Nutritional Follow-up



Peter Manguian

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Kinesiologist, Naturopath

and Neurotherapist

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