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Quantum Cellular Regeneration

Discover and release imbalances in your body, mind and spirit.

profil, massothérapie, kinésithérapie , emotion code , naturopathie, énergie ,Laval ,Centre Holistique, libération émotionnelle,harmonisation énergetique, soulagement douleur,lydia brodeur

The hidden side of our emotions and our limiting beliefs

We live in a fast-paced world that can feel like a roller coaster of experiences with ups and downs. Often times, we don’t allow ourselves to properly process the deep things that are bringing us down. We just push through them to move on, but these emotional upheavals or physical traumas can get trapped in the body. Thus preventing us from being the best version of ourselves. Very often, they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. This is why Quantum Cellular Regeneration, a healing modality, is able to produce great changes in a quick and easy way.

It's a very powerful energetic technique that touches the seven energetic bodies that surround us. It is an intuitive treatment that truly listens to the needs of your body and soul.

This treatment is beneficial for:

  • Identifying and releasing trapped emotions at the cellular level

  • Deprogramming limiting belief systems

  • Activating internal resources

  • Unloading the mind

  • Rapidly relieving physical pain and discomfort.

  • Decoding the sources of beliefs

What you gain from this treatment:

  • Freeing the mind and ego

  • Rebalanced nervous system

  • Freed suffering

  • A more peaceful mind

  • A boost of vital energy

  • Better pain management

  • A better understanding of the source of emotional and physical discomfort

  • Spiritual support

Fleur nationale

What is Quantum Cellular  Regeneration?

What are Subtle Bodies?

Our own appearance is not limited only to our fleshly envelope. We also have an energetic envelope made up of 7 subtle bodies that are nested and overlap each other.

This set of layers forms our "AURA" which is the atmosphere of our body, it is composed of bands of energy that vary in frequency and color. It is of a greater or lesser density, this will depend on the vibration of your soul, your karma, your personal work that you have undertaken and the balance of your chakras.

The physical body is the first stage of all subtle bodies. It is the one that is most impregnated with earthly matter. It is important to take care of it, because it's our vehicle.

The etheric body is the one that is easiest to see, when we train to see the aura. It's like the second skin of the physical body, and it perfectly fits its shape and generally measures between 5 to 15 cm thick around the physical body. It's common for this body to be damaged, holed, torn, following operations or falls, for example.

The emotional body is influenced by our negative feelings (stress, anger, sadness, etc.). If we are prey to these emotions, it damages our emotional body, reduces it, pollutes it. The emotional body is a kind of airbag that protects us; when it becomes too thin, we take everything 'to heart', we are irritable, aggressive or cry without stopping.

The mental body is the seat of our rational and spiritual thoughts and knowledge. We will find at the level of this body the thought forms, obsessions and disorders of the conscious and the unconscious. The mental body integrates both the thoughts generated by the plane on which we are (earth plane) and the Universal Truths coming from other higher planes of consciousness. This knowledge can manifest itself by intuitions, mediumship, dazzling understandings, etc..

The causal body is the one that stores all our previous lives. This body persists through many incarnations. It is the receptacle of all the experiences lived during our previous lives. The causal body is the body of the soul. Its radiance is visible only if the human has achieved the level of mastery of the causality of his existence, that is to say the control of the chains of cause and effect, which the Hindus call karma.

The buddhic body is the higher consciousness of the individual in his essence, with the connection and interrelation with all that exists. It is the synthesis of all the other subtle bodies. We are no longer in the limitation of his being, we are well beyond. Only beings of a very great spirituality have the buddhic body completely formed.

The divine body allows the consciousness of Love... The divine body is the Deity acquired in oneself, it is Knowledge, the Consciousness which encompasses everything, it is the integration in one's being of all that exists, it is the Oneness with the Whole. Once we reach this ultimate plane, we are able to free ourselves from the cycle of reincarnations and reintegrate the consciousness of the source.

Les différents corps énergétiques_edited

What are you going through?

Questioning the purpose of life

Do you feel stuck or don't know your life's purpose?

Emotional Trauma

Are you overwhelmed by emotions and burdens from past experiences or traumas that you have difficulty letting go of and which keep you going in endless circles?

Spiritual Crisis

Are you in the middle of a spiritual crisis or spiritual awakening and need to understand what it all means and how you can deal with it more effectively in your daily life?

Do you need to clarify what the experience is trying to awaken you to?


2 h


1st Meeting

1 h 30




Lydia Brodeur

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